Wednesday, August 7, 2013


 I know it's hard to hit the gym everyday, BUT you can still have a great workout at home.  Yesterday was one of those days for me so this is what I did at home :) enjoy ! XO Lisa
  1. Squat Reach and Jump - Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor , iImmediately jump up as high as you can, keeping your legs wide and extending your arms straight overhead. That's one rep. Do three sets of 12 to 15 reps. only rest 30 seconds in between reps.  
  2. Mountain Climbers -  these are very popular! 
  3. Bicycle Crunches or Air Bike - Lie Flat, Place your hands lightly on the sides of your head. move your legs in a pedaling action as if you are riding a bicycle. .bring your opposing elbow close to each knee by crunching to one side. Left elbow to right knee. Right elbow to left knee. without pausing, repeat the movement to the other side. 
  4. Bridge plus - Works abs & butt ( Lie face-up with knees bent. Squeeze butt to lift hips off floor as high as you can. Lower hips to floor, then lift them off floor, bringing knees toward chest. Do 15 reps. 
  5. Remember to Stretch before and after your work out ! 


  1. your so beautiful girl and you totally inspire me to look and feel my best I love everything health and fitness and I love hot Miami styles and order from there all the time! cant wait for my sexy dresses to arrive-keep doing your thing your the best!

  2. Harrison Nojang Agbor

    Tel. :+(225) 45 45 26 56


    I would like to start again thank you all about what you do for me, and God bless you once again.

    I want to ask your forgiveness for achieving something very important is a plane ticket so I could take a trip to your country, because the conditions either financial or material are not met for I work in my country knowing my disability (dumb), it's really nice to think of you.

    I want to remind that I am a young deaf Cote d'Ivoire a country in Central Africa that Cote d'Ivoire.

    My name is Harrison Nojang Agbor, I make future plans and organize my work on several levels.
    Thank you for your understanding

    Harrison NOJANG Agbor

  3. Harrison Nojang Agbor

    Tel. :+(225) 45 45 26 56


    I would like to start again thank you all about what you do for me, and God bless you once again.

    I want to ask your forgiveness for achieving something very important is a plane ticket so I could take a trip to your country, because the conditions either financial or material are not met for I work in my country knowing my disability (dumb), it's really nice to think of you.

    I want to remind that I am a young deaf Cote d'Ivoire a country in Central Africa that Cote d'Ivoire.

    My name is Harrison Nojang Agbor, I make future plans and organize my work on several levels.
    Thank you for your understanding

    Harrison NOJANG Agbor


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